An Honest Review Of the Sun Oven-- The Ultimate Solar Appliance

After stumbling across this very cool device that uses the sun to heat or essential cook your food I was a little skeptical as to if it would really work.  But to my surprise this Sun Oven is really awesome!  it averages a respectful 325 to 350 degree cooking tempature in the sun which can cook about most anything including baking a cake, slow cooking ribs, brisket, pot roast, and plenty of baking if you like using your dutch oven.

Also,  the upgraded version includes the option as using it as a dehydrator to make beef jerky, dehydrated fruits and veggies and from there the sky is the limit!!

I was thinking with something this cool the price would be pretty hefty but I was throughly surprised to see that amazon had it discounted to around $340 bucks instead of the $400+ I had seen at other websites.
So hey this solar oven is legit... It gets my A+ rating... so buy from Amazon below with no regrets ;)

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